General Site Survey To get a signal, the satellite dish must be pointed directly at the satellite, with NO obstructions between the two. This means NO trees and NO buildings. Take into consideration future tree growth, house remodeling or additions and new construction in your area.The satellite signal WILL NOT PASS through leaves or branches. Finding a Clear Line of Sight
LNBF Polarization Tilt (skew): Your LNB is marked with a label indicating the polarization tilt. Your local LNB polarity offset information varies by location. If you are in Houston, TX your LNB polarization is to be set at 0 degrees. But if you are on the California coast your LNB polarization could be as much as minus 30 degrees (clockwise rotation). And if you are in Maine your LNB polarization could be as much as plus 30 degree (counter-clockwise rotation. Peaking the dish and adjusting the polarity of the LNB will greatly improve your Signal Quality reading. When adjusting your LNBF, be sure you don't leave that LNBF holding bracket loose. The LNBF won't pick up the satellite if the bracket is loose, and it's slightly off. Finally, when thinking about degrees, remember that 30 degrees is about 5 minutes on a clock. Don't turn the LNB too much!
If you complete the above steps properly, your chance of a successful installation is 99.9%. If you use a signal meter you can hook it into the system right at the dish and it responds to the signal immediately making it much easier to aim your dish. You do not need any one else to help you if you use a meter at the dish.
Compare Signal Strength and Quality
Zero Strength and Zero Quality: If this is the symptom you are experiencing, then the receiver is currently not receiving the signal from the dish. Check all connections between your receiver and the dish. Make sure that they are all plugged in to the proper place and are tight.
0-30 Strength and Zero Quality: If you are experiencing these levels of strength and quality, you are getting only noise signals. Make sure that there are no obstacles between the dish and satellite.
40-60 Strength and Zero Quality: With this level of strength and a lack of quality, it is very likely that the dish has moved since its initial installation or you are still off alignment. We recommend going through the Dish Installation pointing steps and finding the satellite signal again. This will likely take just a few minor adjustments of the dish since it should not have moved very much. Key causes for this problem include bolts not being tightened properly, heavy winds, or the dish being struck or bumped by something. Once the signal has been found again, make certain all bolts are tightened well. We also recommend that once you have everything tightened down and have your signal back, make a mark from the cap mount to the pole with paint or some other permanent substance. This will give you a reference point, should any future problems occur. You can also make a mark on the side of the cap mount where your elevation markings are imprinted.
40-60 Strength and 30-70 Quality: This level of strength and quality indicates that the dish may need to be fine-tuned to the satellite. You may have noticed that prior to getting the "Bad or No Signal" message your picture was occasionally blotchy and your audio may have been out of sync with the picture. These are all symptoms of the need to fine-tune the dish. Optimum signal quality is between 70 and 100, however each receiver has a different scale. On some receivers, 40-60 is considered optimum signal. A typical sign of a low signal, is a channel that is breaking or pixelating all the time. Also a channel that pixelates with the slightest cloud cover or change in weather is also a sign of a low signal. On the Evolution XO-01 receiver the optimum signal is 40-60.
TIP: You can fine-tune your dish by going back to the signal strength screen. While the signal bar is running, have someone out at the dish. He will need to loosen the collar that holds the LNB. This is done by slightly loosening the two screws that hold the collar together. Once these screws are loose, slowly twist the LNB a fraction of an inch. After each movement allow 5 seconds for the receiver to register the change and update your quality reading. If the quality readings immediately begin to get lower while the adjustments are being made, then the LNB needs to be turned in the other direction. Once the LNB fine tuning is complete, tighten the two screws on the LNB collar. You may then complete the scan by pressing START.